Hatton 10 Mile Time Trial #9 – 3rd August 2017

hatton 10 time trials cycling cheshire
Hatton 10 Time Trials, 3rd August 2017, Ray Threlfall, Kathryn Schofield and Phil Turner.

Yet another blustery evening up at Hatton. Quelle surprise!!!

RCC took the night 30pts – 25pts with Rob Green leading the way again. Independent Tim Pugh took 2nd, with Stuart Lloyd putting in a lung busting performance to take 3rd with a fine PB of 24:21 for the Wheelers. Al Orme followed close behind with 24:31.

hatton 10 time trial 9 rob mcgregor paul cheers
Rob McGregor and Paul Cheers going full gas.

But it wasn’t the top of the leader-board where all the action was taking place this week. RCC Juniors, Kathryn Schofield and Nathan Hampson were putting in strong performances to knock nearly 3mins and 1min 30secs of their PB’s respectively.

hatton 10 time trial 9 frodsham wheelers runcorn cycle club
Stuart Lloyd and Phil Turner on the final section.

Kathryn has been bobbing along for weeks, but a coaching session before hand paid dividends with the biggest performance of the night. She smashed her end of year target with a superb 28:58. RCC’s Jess McCann also put in a strong performance with a fabulous 29:43.

runcorn cycle club nathan hampson
Nathan Hampson flying to the finish line.

Other fine PB’s included Phil Turner, Alex Buckley and Ray Threlfall

Wheelers’ Rob McGregor arrived tonight on a beautiful looking new ride. Uncharacteristically of Rob, he finished with a 27:15. He tried to justify this slower than usual ride by claiming he had a stitch and had to stop to stretch it off. We actually believe he stopped to admire is fine new ride, take it all in, before meandering to the finish line 🙂

alan orme james mayers time trial riders
Alan Orme and James Mayers putting in maximum effort down the final section.

All riders welcome, whether club members or not 🙂

The Hatton 10 Time Trials is an open event for all to come along and try every Thursday evening during the summer. The last event of the season is Thursday 31st August. There are some lovely fast sections on the course while being a technical course with 3 right angle turns which you have to navigate twice. Come along and give the Hatton 10 D36 course a go. £4 for non RCC / Wheelers members, and £3 for members. Sign-on before 6.45pm, first rider off at 7.01pm, stay inside the white lines and we have a no-helmet no-ride policy.

runcorn cycle club time trial staff
Hatton 10 Time Trial Staff, post race.

john flynn stuart lloyd frodsham wheelers
Frodsham Wheelers John Flynn and Stuart Lloyd.

runcorn cycle club rob green
Runcorn Cycle Club’s Steve Ledsham and Rob Green, post race.

Well, that pretty much sums up Round 9. Off we go to Round 10 on the 10th August.

See y’all next week.

time trial rider times announced
Hatton 10 Time Trial rider times are announced for race #9, 3rd August 2017.

hatton 10 time trials

Hatton 10 Rider Times – 3rd August 2017

1Green, RobRCC23:1910
2Pugh, TimIndependent24:140
3Lloyd, StuartFWCC24:219
4Orme, AlanFWCC24:318
5Cheers, PaulRCC25:097
6Cox, EdRCC25:216
6Arundale, DavidFWCC25:216
8Mayers, JamesRCC25:334
9Threlfall, RayRCC25:593
10Sales, KevinFWCC26:422
11Connor, AmyRCC27:010
12McGregor, RobFWCC27:151
13Turner, PhilRCC27:310
14Schofield, KathrynRCC28:580
15Hampson, MarkRCC29:130
16McCann, JessRCC29:430
17Jones, StuartRCC30:590
18Buckley, AlexRCC31:380
19Hampson, NathanRCC34:390

Click here to view the Overall Riders Table >>

More Photos from the night

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