If today’s ride had a flavour, it’d be ginger!

frodsham wheelers cleopatras coffee shop holt
Cleopatra’s Coffee Shop, Holt.

Stuff wot we learnt today!

Careful what you post, it might come back and bite you. There’s no finer club out there. Cleos – is there a better service in a caff? If todays ride had a flavour, it’d be ginger.

Two weeks ago I castigated my fellow ride leaders for being soft and cancelling rides because it was a bit wet and windy. You post a ride you lead a ride I said. Imagine my joy when I looked out the window at 7:30 and the road was white. Well, you post a ride and all that, thermals on, more layers on and that was just to go downstairs for breakfast. Porridge with honey necked, off we go.

CHJ Jr opted for “I’ve got homework to do and I’ve had a cold so I’ll go on the turbo” so I slid down to the lights on my own – secretly jealous. Mark Stevens having been shamed by me had also come out against his ( both of our ) better judgement. Still, Wheelers are hardy things so off we slid, slithered and soft pedalled gingerly, all of us questioning our collective sanity and quietly composing the message to our employers explaining why we’d not be in for a month or so.

It’s a long time since I’ve wheel spun but today it was easy. It’s testimony to the sprit in this club that despite the cold and the road conditions, we still had two sizeable groups out there. The B Squad headed off for the Mills then Captain Flynn took over and we re-routed to Cleo’s as per the original plan via Rosset and all arrived vertical which was partly down to vigilance in spotting and calling out the ice.

frodsham wheelers cleopatras coffee shop holt 2017
Cleopatra’s Coffee Shop – great service!

I have to commend Cleos’s – a dozen off us rocked up when they were already busy and within 10 minutes everyone was tucking into their grub – first class. They even had paper towels on the counter for dirty faces and offered re-fills on bottles before we sat down. Back home without incident – all home before one.

Honourable mentions – John Flynn for routing, John McKenna and Kieran Reilly rode like men possessed, Nathan Woods for re-locating his mojo.

Winter miles make summer smiles, there’s gonna be some cheesy grins come June!!

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