Rainbow Club Presentation

Following the success of this year`s Dawn til Dusk club ride a staggering £2,457.25 was raised.

frodsham-wheelers twelve50 bikes group photo d2d complete
Arrival back in Frodsham at Twelve50 Bikes (our sponsors) all smiles after another ‘Epic Ride’, see you next year!

On Thursday 4th August club members presented a cheque to the Rainbow Club.  Jean Fish club treasurer who is integral to the success of the Rainbow Club was overwhelmed with the money raised and commented on the amount raised as `life changing`. The members showed their appreciation with three cheers to the Frodsham Wheelers.

rainbow club

                                Frodsham Wheelers presenting the cheque to the Rainbow Club

Club Statement

On behalf of the Frodsham Wheelers we would like to wish the Rainbow Club the very best for the future and hope the money raised brings lots of happiness to the members, families and friends. It has been a pleasure raising money for the Rainbow Club, a local charity who is dearly loved by all.

frodsham rainbow club logo

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