The 7th round completed, gaps are starting to appear at the top of the leader board!
Alan Orme heads up the list on 43 points after another 2nd place behind Ciaran who was again the fastest Wheeler. The Arundulator lead Jamezzzz home to round off the podium places.
Rob Duckett placed 5th ahead of Roy on yet another TT bike! It was a hard and blowy night with 2 non finishers – shows how hard everyone else rode so well done to those who raced. Times weren’t too bad considering the conditions. Big thanks to Stuart Lundstrom and Rob Cowell for stepping into officiating duties and running a smooth event.
Four more 10’s scheduled for this season. The next 3 count towards the overall and your top 6 finishes are your count towards the championship so if you’re aiming for an overall , get your rides in. The last round, September 7th, is the handicap championship. You MUST have a time in this season to qualify.