The Fancy Dress Drive!

frodsham wheelers christmas fancy dress wizard tearoom

Well that was a very eventful Christmas Ride/Drive. As forecast the conditions were chronic and a tad dangerous so the vast majority of the club members opted to drive for our festive brunch at the Wizard cafe.

christmas fancy dress cycle ride

…hit the deck on black ice

cyclists in fancy dress

News of who had decided to ride was sketchy until Sam Marshall reported that it was …erm, a bit icy. It seems Dev Devaney aka Rudolf had hit the deck on black ice.

frodsham wheelers wizard christmas 2017

Fellow riders Baz James, Stuart Lloyd and Chris Fowler all did a uey and were intercepted by myself and Rob Duckett in the broom wagon. Dev and Sam bailed for good whilst Chris, Baz and Stuey returned to the Wizard by car.

martin geer dave arundale wizard christmas 2017

…Alan Clark wondering where the peloton was

wizard tearoom cyclists in fancy dress

Myself and Rob D continued in the broom wagon and eventually came across a bemused Alan Clark wondering where the peloton was. He pledged to continue on but ( not surprisingly ) also hit the deck around Arley hall. Both Dev and Alan none the worse for wear I am pleased to report.

three wheelers at the wizard tearoom

23 hungry Wheelers enjoyed lovely grub

one wheeler and his dog

A festive occasion was had at The Wizard. 23 hungry Wheelers enjoyed lovely grub and great ambience supplied by Harriet and the team, very enjoyable.

santa and the frodsham wheelers

Is there a lesson for the day I wonder?????? 🙂 erm — take heed of ice warnings.

Is the ‘Crash of the Year Award‘ so highly sought after? 🙂

dev devaney crash of the year

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